Thank you for expressing interest to work with Tardiss.
To make the recruitment process as easy as possible, please follow the instructions below.
- Name
- Mobile Number
- Current email address
- Up to date Resume
- Your passport details or evidence of your right to work in Australia
- Availability
Once you have all the required information, please click here to register your interest.
Alternatively, you can register via the FoundU app available in the iOS or andriod app store.
Here you can enter all the above required information up to "Step 2".
Please note: you will be required to enter a password - please retain this for future use!
All information up to step 2 is required at this stage. Once you see the following screen, please logout:
If you do not have access to a computer, you are more than welcome to visit us in the office where we can assist you in this process.
For any questions or concerns, please contact:
HR Coordinator
Ph: 4775 1397